Ballaugh 20-08-05

Superb day on Ballaugh on Saturday.  Myself, Watty, Keith, Jamie and Tony enjoying great thermals and relatively light winds.  Plenty of top landings and thermallling back – but not too far.  Ballaugh has not been this good for a while.  The airwaves were crackling into life as we watched some other pilots (Chris and Ean) fly off Slieu Curn… Eventually we all packed up and left a perfectly flyable hill – well the practices were starting.

Tried out Keith’s new ‘Who Where?’ WAP system last night – very good.

Congratulations to Stephen on getting his CPC at Daweseys last week.  He even got his first 45 minutes on Bradwell and top landed – not bad for a 15 year old.  Well done Ste.

Just received the first report from Manx Paragliding Club sponsored pilot Noel Humphreys at the World Paramotor Championships.