Flying 12/4/05

Martie and myself met up at Slieu Magile, Martie carried up first then me. Martie had a couple of flights one top landing, I got on video, one down the bottom, wind speed 15-24 miles per hour.  A little too gusty and rough for a first FRIGHT on a new glider.  Both decieded to go to Staarvey, wind when we arrived a little off to South of West 14-22 mile per hour.  At this point must fly must die comes into it – convinced myself its only strong on the ground it will be OK n the air – BIG WRONG.

Take off going backwards OH Shit is that the glider screaming or me, ITS ME speed bar on no not this close to the ground too scarey, hands up positive thinking AH going forwards think to myself "YOU PRICK" then Alton Towers ride of mega discomfort starts for the next 10 to 15 minutes struggle to get to the landing field into land rough as you like, feet touch the ground thats nice, OH SHIT back up into the air SUCKED. Martie reckons about 30 feet keeping the brakes on, keeping the brakes on back on the ground!!! PHEW

A lesson learnt for me and hopefully everyone else.  there are always better flying days.

Flew a second time, nice and smooth top to bottom, quite a nice glider